In the last post we have completed installation process of Windows Server 2019. Once you have completed installation, you need to perform several post-installation configuration steps before you can deploy your windows server in a production environment.

These steps allow you to prepare the server for the role it will perform in your organization. By using server manager console, you can fully manage Windows servers.

In this blog post we will complete the initial configuration tasks which are necessary after the installation of a freshly installed server.
These tasks might include the following:
  • Configuring Windows Update settings
  • Setting the Time Zone
  • Assign Static IP Address
  • Enabling Remote Desktop
  • Renaming the Server

Video Tutorial on How to Perform Basic Configuration tasks in Windows Server 2019.

Step 1: Log on to the server using Administrator privileges.

Step 2: After Logging on as administrator Server Manager Console automatically opens, if it is not loaded automatically, press start button on your keyboard and select Server Manager.

Step 3: In Server Manager window click on the local server in the left sidebar.

Step 4: Click on the value of Windows Update. That will open Windows Update Settings console. Click on “Check for updates” to check for windows update.
If any update is available it will display there and you will have option to install the update as well. Now close the settings close.

Step 5: Click on the value of Time Zone. Select your time zone.

In my case it is UTC+5:30 (Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi). Once you select correct time zone for your server then click on OK button to close the console.

Step 6: Click on the Ethernet value, the network connection windows appears.

Right-click the Ethernet connection and, from the context menu, select Properties. The Ethernet Properties sheet appears.

Step 7: First of all unchecked Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) checkbox as we are not going to use IPv6 address on our server.

Step 8: Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties sheet appears.

Note that servers should be configured with static IP address. Select the Use the following IP address option and, in the text boxes, type the following values:
  • IP address:
  • Subnet mask:
  • Default gateway:
Select the Use the following DNS server addresses option and, in the text boxes, type the following values:
  • Preferred DNS server:
  • Alternate DNS server:
Click OK to close the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties sheet.
Click OK to close the Ethernet Properties sheet.

Step 9: Click on the value of Remote Desktop.

System Properties windows appears. Select Allow remote connection to this computer. (It will also add firewall exception for remote desktop port).

Click on OK.
Click on Apply and OK button to close the console.
Step 10: Click on the value of computer name.

A System properties windows will open, click on the change button for specifying the server name.

Type the name which you want to set for this windows server 2019 computer. I am going to type WS2K19-DC01.

Click on OK button.
Click on OK again to restart the server. Before restarting save your work.

Click on Close and Click on Restart now to restart server immediately.
After restart, login to server using administrator user account and password. Open server manager console. On left side pane, click on local server.

That’s it, you have successfully completed the post-installation configuration tasks for Windows Server 2019.